Monday, November 28, 2011

Goombd Watched! - The Walking Dead 'Mid' Season 2

When I think of zombie related fiction, my mind is always drawn to the human struggles. That's probably due to my "formation" in the genre, that comes from watching the George A. Romero school of movies, which for the beginning half were strongly tied to the deterioration of the human mind during a crisis and less of a bloody fest.

Thanks to that and my liking of comics - I'm no collector, but I dabble in them from time to time - it was an easy transition to make when I first discovered and started reading the 'The Walking Dead' book. At that point, the series was already well underway and thanks to the excellent pacing and captivating nature of Robert Kirkman's narrative, it didn't take me long to get up to speed on the story.

It was just as easy to transition to the TV show. Season one had less episodes and the comics' story was somewhat retold in a different manner. Some characters were completely new and the survivor group movement relatively different than what the book told, a big plus in my opinion. Friends were pretty divided, though. Some hated the fact that the show was so slow at points, or the lack of deaths and violence.

That sentiment carried over and grew quite a bit on season two. There were more episodes for the producers to work with and they obviously took their time building up the impending group conflict for the second half of the season, with characters evolving and adapting to the situation in a slower and more deliberate pace and for some viewers, that's just dull.

I'm not torn up about it nor would I go out of my way to try to change their minds. For me, the show is working extremely well, taking bits and pieces from the original source and coming up with its own identity. I never wanted to see frame-to-frame from the comic in film form at any point. That'd be just boring for this show. Sure, I'd love to see some things from the book pop up here and there, especially after the farm setting is done away with (if ever, in season two) but unlike die-hard fans that grope and moan about every single little detail that's changed in a comic book adaptation, I'm happy with what's being done with The Walking Dead.

Will people get what they want in the second half of this season? More guts and gore, tension and deaths? Probably. Would I like to see it done every single episode? Certainly not. This is a show that should go beyond just seeing people getting torn to bits all the time. I'm fine with the concept of grindhouse existing for horror flicks, but those are just that. Flicks. This is a TV show, it spans for much longer and there are only so many ways the same thing can happen before it just becomes dull. And so far, The Walking Dead is anything but that.

February 12th can't come soon enough!

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